

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Daily GIF: Cooking With Steve Reed

The Daily GIF: Cooking with Steve Reed. The story behind the GIF and video.

This GIF is from the video

Cooking With Steven: How to Cook Rice

Here is the GIF, along with the video snip-it of the actual point in the video. 

Below is the actual part of the video:

You have to watch the whole video to understand how funny this GIF really is.

It was an informative video by Steven Reed for university students, and this video was meant to be serious. There are a few parts in this series of videos.

In this particular video Steve is demonstrating how to cook rice, with a step by step tutorial. Steve also provides the actual cost of the meal, so university students can eat well on a managed budget .

Edited Version: The Scenario of the Video.

In this video, I had made some overdubs and a sound track to recreate an retro film studio, with the production staff recording Steve Reed as he proceeds to cook rice.

The video is a satire to unprofessional filming and editing, which is why you see the beginning credits upside down, along with the production crew making mistakes, and talking over the mic, on the actual live recording.

It is meant to be humorous, and humor is based on the individual watch the video.

DJ Bobby FX


Saturday, 21 March 2015

Apple Watch: Countdown to Launch

So we all know, and heard the news that Apple is about to release their newest hardware to the market. The Apple Watch. Once again the most popular hardware maker on the planet will try to change the way we connect and interact with the online world, and to one another.

The video below showcases the many versions that will be available of the Apple Watch.


What are your thoughts on the new Apple Watch? 

The Apple Watch, when released will be available in three distinct models, to match the many different lifestyles of everyone. 

The Apple Watch: Direct link to the Watch page.
Apple Watch Sport: Direct link to the Sport page.
Apple Watch Edition: Direct link to the Edition page.